Abundance Pathways

#Fedupofbeingpoor was set up from that inner gasp and sigh of being fed up of being poor, but since then, has strived to become much more.

It was decided that instead of being poor, why not set the intent to become abundant instead and research pathways to enable this.

The blog posts was one such path but later other paths were to follow.

Two years ago I had a dream of little streams coming together to form a river and so my jouney began.

Facebook Community

“Fed up of being poor” – is now on facebook.

There was a sense that other than those that blogged and read blogs, #Fed upofbeing poor, really needed other online platforms in the world and Facebook was an obvious choice.

It could build on its’ already established work, networks, support structures, and having learned new skills and confidence of appearing live and infront of a camera, videos could now be added either lives or transferred from its youtube channel.

The aim of the new business page was to offer paid services, but again to get the message out more than anything that hope was indeed possible of a better income or better lifestyle and that change could happen.

Paid services include: learning about law of attraction, getting out of debt, dealing with abudance and mindset blocks and debt/budget coaching with more services to follow. Of course all its visitors have access to “Peace of Mind” Coaching which is dedicated to more mental health healing and wholeness.

Facebook V.I.P group “Prosperity People”

Very quickly this business page began to develop and also added a paid for V.I.P group called “prosperity people” that charged a small fee for lifetime membership. This group was to become a mastermind of people helping people, led by someone who walked the walk and talked the talk and could role model as well be a place of learning and growth.

“Fed up of being Poor” On Youtube!

It is true! We now have a few videos on youtube. It is our hope to see these grow and offer more value. search “Fed up of being Poor” and our videos should pop up.

What can we expect to see in the future?

This is a great question as to who knows what the future holds, however it is our intent to offer courses, education, job opportunities ,people connecting with people.

The intent is to connect with entrepeneurs and business folk and finance experts to offer more expeterese and authority and support. if we can learn from the best mentors in the world then why not.

Working in more partnerships, this site, this community can help more folk, and that is my aim to help another help another.

The future is Now in THIS MOMENT!

Thank You for your support and being a part of this journey and this community.

#fedupofbeingpoor, #believe

Steve Alexander