Next Level Ogres


What has a womble, a toilet, attraction, and hope all have in common?

I am facing the challenge Of taking my blogs and my life to the next level and I am scared.

Welcome to “Fed up of being poor” – Great to see you here.

Today I  am like an excited kid in a children’s store…my mind is on fire, my heart is racing, and I am in “love” – let me share more!

Image displaying the words News flash image displaying the words breaking news    Image displaying the words News flash

First of all ……………..(he looks round to see who is listening)

image displaying the words hot off the press
Illustration depicting cutout printed letters arranged to form the words hot off the press.

I have not gone public with this, you my lovely followers are the first to know and I hope to be a huge part in…. well you are invited anyway!


I am opening up a  passage people…. my very own secret passage…. There I  said it people!

Hang in there, hang in there.. allow me to explain…

This will  in fact will be a link to anther site I am creating which will be full of resources or more things, going into depth. So it could be free stuff, or tools, or information, or how to’s I have collated together on a particular topic.

This will be Called The Throne Room– you heard it here first.


I am not sure how it will develop or what it will look like, but will just be  a place for folk to take what they find useful or “treasure” as I call it… or if not flush it or ignore it like “trash.”

I would love for folks to get on board as I make more connections.

One persons treasure is another persons trash – Check out my treasure n trash post but let me tell you folks here in the uk there is a huge trend gathering momentum, an army as it were, a swarm, individuals, couples, teams, and who are they and what are they doing?

These folk ARE wombles “Wombles” named after the awesome and cool cartoon ( I believe it was just uk..not sure) about some animal type creatures who would turn trash and turn it into something great and useful or valuable.

People are making good money from literally trash. They may pick up receipts from the floor and turn them into cash on their cell apps or points as one example, but they are not proud, if there is money to be made they will do it.. I  want this mentality I want in. GOOGLE “WOMBLING” for more. (or whatever search engine you use.

“Love is patient, love is kind, love never gives up hope”

Earlier I mentioned I was in love… Here is me…

cartoon image of someone holding their head concentrating
I am focusing positivity

This is me putting into practice the law of attraction (obviously younger when I had hair.)

– I am trying to be patient and wait for things to come together,

  • I am trying to love myself more, and be more kind to myself and others.
  • I am trying not to give up and hope and bow to that feeling of being overwhelmed so much I remain frozen or static.

Join me and follow me next time as I go into this more and catch up with my money making mission to see if I am managing to walk the walk.

Thank you for reading and following:)

Come Back Soon! 

Steven Alexander

photo of author, and writer Steve Alexander drinking coffee and enjoying time out
Time out is time well spent

“Trash” The new money making Treasure.

a photo of a sandy beach that stretches into the distance
life is a beach

 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

Photo SAS Photography. No reproduction without permission. 

I like to challenge the idea of what is treasure and what is trash, and the excitement of discovering treasure. Many have made money from other peoples rubbish.

Imagine the treasure had your name on it and you had a map to it and you had a guide. If you had these would you be interested?

You may be thinking what is the treasure and is it worth it?

Your treasure may be different to my treasure, and there may be many different ways of getting it that will suit you best – but what is important is that you are looking out for things of value, whether it is something as simple empty toilet rolls or selling old coffee jars.

Try the research challenge of..Making money from (choose anything, or something you can see around you) you then using search engines or other methods find ways of making money through those avenues.

If you are “fedupofbeingpoor” this journey we will go on will make you view life differently, more hopeful, more positive, I have plans to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future, how do I know?

I have been there, I have been homeless, I have been on benefits, i have had to get food out of bins and skips.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Treasure hunting is about value, It is about discovering or re-discovering those things or perhaps people which are of value to us, including ourselves.

What if you are yourself are treasure?

Not many of us value ourselves and this can be hugely disabling to our mental health and also what we can achieve.

Maybe daily life or circumstances have ground us down, or maybe our self worth and self esteem is at its lowest and we are trying to cope.

Maybe on the outside we put on our “we are coping” face but inside we are secretly crying or screaming. You may have self esteem issues which makes life hard.

For me, I am constantly comparing myself to others. Let me share a story.

What do you think? Can you relate?

So if you could change this, would you? If you had someone to help you, would you?

You could be thinking any of the following:

Crock of poo! and do nothing – then you have lost nothing, but gained nothing.

Crock of poo! But be curious. – You lost nothing by checking this journey out, but have the chance to change your life – I am not talking get rich schemes, or scams or other BS things…just help, mentoring, strategies and connecting you with others that understand and can help.

Who cares? No one understands! – I CARE.. i HAVE BEEN THERE – I am still there, but my life has improved massively. Others care.

Be excited! – Great, because you can use this..This is your time!

Still not quite understanding treasure hunting? mail me.

Beginners Strategy:

The first step, let me tell you is mindset. I will write a separate blog about this, because I cannot tell you how important and a difference this makes.

If like me, any thought of hope or life improving is hard (and it is still a challenge) then you will know what I am talking about.

Is it time to de-clutter your life?

If you are thinking, where you live is messy, you never know what might turn up if you have a de-clutter and tidy up. You may even find treasure of your own or find things to sell that’s free money right there!

Perhaps you are seeking to make changes in your life? Curious? Want to know more?

Are You In?

Perhaps you are already successful and want to help others.

Please do get in touch if you read this and want to get involved.

Let me know where you are at, how you get on or if you need moral support.

That’s what I am here for!

Make a FREE online appointment, or maybe you have a success story to share and encourage someone else, or maybe you could support us and bless others.

You are not alone. BE A TREASURE HUNTER!

Happy treasure hunting!

PSST..Want more inspiration

If you want to delve more into treasure hunting try doing a search for it on your search engines, I. E Google etc or your tube (or similar) you never know what you may dig up.


Easy ways to de clutter and make money

Make money by de cluttering

Good Luck,

propic Steven Alexander